And thanx to Ken, ATW, augur, and wise sage, who predicts that I will launch in 2019. It is uncanny how he can divine such prophecies from the casting of bones, the reading of runes and the perusal of websites. I am impressed yet sceptical.
I've been dutifully writing this blog now for over 5 years. The thing about writers (and Comedians) is that their work has the half life of Copernicum-285. It deteriorates at an amazing rate and you must produce more. Unlike Copernicum, there is no unique formula to produce a finished product. There is no specific number of protons and electrons to assemble for the work. You must create anew each production from the deep well of your imagination. Each time I start a new post I wonder if that well dried up and there is no more. Somehow I cobble something together. Luckily the well wasn't deep from the beginning. If you're lucky, it will dry up sooner.