On Sunday, I took a half day off. Neil made me do it. I would have felt guilty, but I was too tired. Monday was cold and really windy so I dallied and didn't do anything until the afternoon. Mostly through the week I showed up and worked.
I had to make a couple trips to get tools and stuff. I must say that traffic around here is quite enthusiastic. I am accustomed to driving around Podunk, Texas so I am adjusting. It is an adventure driving around guided by an antiquated, senile, mentally challenged GPS navigation unit that hasn't upgraded it's maps in 9 years. I tend to not fare well in these larger cities. My ill guided, haphazard lane changes are met by jaunty waves from my fellow motorists, who tend not to use all their digits when waving. This must be a local thing. I smile apologetically and wave back using my entire hand.
What precipitated these sojourns? I was in search of a rubber boat. I found one. It's OK priced and adequate. One less worry on my mind. It turns out it's not rubber, but some miracle lamination made from pixie dust and fabric. Same brochure and description as a waterbed, only reversed. You keep water out, you keep water in (potaytoes, potahtoes).
I cannot always say I am the last man in the yard, as Owen partially lives on his boat next to me. Owen is the boat yard equivalent of the junkyard dog.
I sneak a nap in if I can. My mind needs recharging.
I posted videos. More boring stuff with no skinny girls in bikinis. I am amazed that people watch my incredibly boring videos. Wait.......there's golf on TV.
OK, the blog.