So, In the Be-Careful-What-You-Wish-For department, the bad ol' rainy weather went away and the sun came out. The... Sun... Came... Out. The trmperature was above 90° today and the hulls are in the sun. We discovered a new problem. Another "What's wrong with this picture?". Ergo, the post title...................................................................................
See it? See it? Huh! Let me show you. This is the stern of the boat. The rudder is lashed to this using a rope figure eight lashing. If you look really really hard you may notice that the center portion is bowed toward the left. Here, we snapped a chalk line on it. The line is centered at the top and bottom.
The rudders won't work. They have to be lashed to a straight hull. How did this happen? I dunno. How are we going to fix it? I dunno. Can we fix it? I dunno. Why did I start building a boat? I dunno. Why would a sane adult attempt such an endeavor? I dunno. Between the ballyhoo and consternation of the situation, which we will heretofore refer euphemistically to it as "The Rudder Problem", Budge dragged his final beam into the hot hot sun and planed, coated with epoxy (twice) and sprayed a coat of paint on it. And now it looks like the other three.
I worked on the reinforcement blocks that fit in the beams.
They go on both sides of the I beams.
They are triangle (ish) shaped and there were 12 big ones and 12 small ones.
Each one hand fitted, coated with epoxy, glued in, and filleted.
Blocks........................................ I still need more to glue in but we cannot place them until we assemble the boat with the beams. Ben sweated in the sun working atopship (I make up words- so what?).
Gluing trough reinforcements.
Sanding troughs. Budge felt sorry for him and, in a weak attempt, rigged up some shade.
Which nearly baked him to death. He ripped it down. My blocks being glued in, I proceeded to work on the chainplates.
I lined them up and drilled 1/4" holes through the hull.
Then I drilled out the holes twice as large. Next, we will fill up said holes with thickened epoxy and redrill them back with 1/4" holes. And you wonder why boatbuilding takes so long.................................
Strange markings appear on the boats. Like on ancient runestones in North America and timberframe barns in Pensylvania. No one knows what they mean anymore. They are lost in the annuls of time:
What's it doing up there?
Fauna of the week. This weird bug just molted on the hull.
I will spare you the photo of the large snake that managed to climb up a corrugated metal carport and eat the baby birds in their nest located under the peak of the roof. I hope my proclivity to prattle has sustained your interest as, all in all, it was a bum week. On the plus side, it was better than the baby bird's week.
A paean to climatic interference with man's endeavors.................See previous posts.
June 2024
AuthorChuck! Send money! |
The Blog of the Dog.
It's important, I think...........
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