Things are going along amazingly well. You know, you get that feeling in the pit of your stomach when things go right. You say to yourself "aren't we doing something wrong"? Something has to be wrong.........You no longer want to rename the boat the "Phuket Owl" and burn it. No I won't explain the name, you get it or you don't.
[Amendment by Ben. Father failed to explain why I was so proud of these boards. Placing an exact 9 mm slot, exactly in the center of a board is in no way an easy feat. Or even a necessary one unfortunately. The fact that I made the fit so perfect that the oak could be held up by just friction is a source of pride. I did fail to take into account the tolerances of materials which was humbling and educational. Plus, it made me laugh out loud when they cracked. However, I was able to glue these in place with nothing more than a tight fit. Otherwise I would have had to use tape, nails, or a weight. All of which would have had their own difficulties. All I did was lay glue down, shove them on, clean up the squeeze out, twisted them a little until they were level, and then I walked away. You may wonder why I would care about striving for perfection. I would wonder, why wouldn't you? I may have hated all the jobs I ever had, but I'll be damned if I didn't try to be the best. Little victories are sometimes all we have. Besides, we've had enough mistakes.]