Thanks for the comment, Mic. I did finally find the battery bag. There were no batteries in it. It's great to have a detailed spreadsheet to locate stuff on a boat, until you move something and forget to log it. I think it's a better idea to just not buy anything until you need it. That way those fables batteries don't get corroded and are always fresh. I have declared war on batteries. If it runs on batteries, there is something that is an alternative that doesn't need them. That carefully crafted spreadsheet becomes a chore unto itself and becomes just another thing on the endless list of tasks the control your life on the boat. I have taken to stowage as general catagories. All things soft go into the starboard aft cabin: sails, rope, upholstery foam. Tools go in the port port forward cabin: fishing gear, plumbing and electrical and whatever seems mechanical. Does it work? Kinda..................
Once again I am the expert on the outboard motors. One is shutting down after 30 seconds of running. I have determined that the fuel hose has cracks and must be changed. The hose is inaccessible. I mean really inaccessible. I mean you cannot possible remove the bottom hose clamp in situ accessible. I mean separate the motor from the lower unit inaccessible. I mean hurt ribs on both sides trying to remove the bolts and studs inaccessible. I mean exhaust all of your repertoire of colorful language inaccessible. I would pay someone to do this! There is no someone. I showed the situation to a couple of knowledgeable fellow boaters. The quietly sidled away until they achieved enough distance to turn and run. Why oh why do I have to become the expert again. I don't want to be the expert. I just want the motors to run.