It's a good thing we take pictures. On Saturday when I sit down I have to look at the weekly pictures to remind me what we did. I suffer from a condition, CRS (Can't Remember Squat). Ben chunked his finger............ .....and had to give the boat a tetanus shot...................... Actually, He's filling brad nail holes in the hull reinforcing plates. I made some doors and door panels for the chartroom area. I also reclaimed a piece of plywood on which we'd made a mistake. I filled it with epoxy glue to give it stability. I glued the galley storage pieces in including the piece below. There's no such thing as scrap lumber. I am always digging through the scraps looking for a small piece to fit somewhere. I started gluing in the galley doors. No pictures until you can see the final assembly. I've been doing this galley for a loooooong time and it just might be done some day. Here's me working on the chartroom doors. I still had some really cool figured pieces that I had to resaw really really thin and glue up. Then they needed reinforcing with 4mm plywood to be door panels. Ben finally got back to painting the second coat on his cabin. He got more paint on the boat that him, though it was close. Yup, in the hair. Depressive thought of the day, Ben calculated that it costs 46¢ per ounce of epoxy, not counting fillers, thickeners, brushes, paper towels and ruined clothing. We'll just assume 50¢ per ounce. That's not the depressing part. The depressing part is I just ordered 30 gallons of epoxy plus 65 quarts of various thickeners. Take me home................
June 2024
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The Blog of the Dog.
It's important, I think...........
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