I see that a lot of bloggers are still willing to accept your money so they can compare their lifestyle to yours and rub your nose in the fact that their lifestyle is way so much better than yours. Ya gotta see the skinny bikini girl cry to ad pathos to the whole experience. Ya gotta have videos. Who would pay for that?? If I had a dollar for everyone that followed this website I'd have, lemmesee.......... two whole dollars! Heady stuff. I need a sign that says "VICARIOUS LIVING: $1.00." See the "Donate" page above.
So what is my current status? I work on something every day. I now take a day off on Sundays. I have a zillion receipts fluttering and cluttering up the car. It's all small stuff, stainless this propane that, a chunk of wood, a bit of paint, lunch. I am starting to feel better about the complete boat.
So there you have it, for what it's worth..........