We need music, and to find a song that blows you out into the stratosphere is a wonderful experience. The songs in this blog were an attempt to give you, my two readers, a gift. Hopefully in those 400 odd songs You found one or two that shook your soul. One that you had to play again. One where you had to know more about the artist.
And a hidey hay to Toby, who has decided to build one of these. It's harder than you think. I guess he hasn't read enough of this blog. Much sympathy in advance for him. I hope he doesn't use West System.
I guess I don't fit in the general scheme of things. I am not good about chasing fads. By the time I figure out what they are, they've passed. Oop, there goes another one!
I feel like the lost tribe of Israel, destined to wander the earth in search of some sort of mythic state that may be physical or mental. Like the Israelites, the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Crudites, the Luddites and the Ammonites, I am destined to find my niche in this world, but the search is long and tedious. You too, my faithful followers must search for the meaning of my meanderings. I surmise they are unfathomable to all of us.
Miss Marple said "It's a mystery. Then, we all are, even to ourselves, especially to ourselves."
I take Sundays off now. I think I'll sit around and pop acetaminophen.