I tell people that I live on a boat and they get all dreamy eyed and go "Awwwwwwwwwwww". They don't know. Boat life is all about organization. I just spent the last few weeks tripping over tools in the cockpit that I leave out because "I will need them again tomorrow". I pride myself on the amount of storage space I have. The problem is the stowage of the storage. If I need something, I must ascertain its whereabouts, dig through several places that were cleverly organized, and pull out the holy grail of my quest. Somewhere I have a bag containing batteries stowed safely and secure. I dunno where they are. I have discovered that containers take up the same space whether they are full or empty. They define space no matter what. At one point I just give up and buy more batteries. My galley is no different. My chest type refrigerator/freezer is tiny. If I need something, I have to remove several items to secure the intended prize. Then all that stuff does not fit back. I have to play Tetris every time I need anything. I cleaned out the damn thing the other day expecting an encounter with the Creature from the Black Lagoon. He died, or at least it smelled like he did.
Just as witches have their familiar usually in the form of a cat, Cat seems to have a familiar in the form of a phantom cat that is independent of him. Pet owners(?) become attuned to their animal and sense the animals presence. I will feel Cat's proximity only to discover there is nothing there. I hear him jumping on the boat and discover nothing. This phantom cat comes and goes on his own, a free spirit. Like the Jewish deity, I dare not name it; It's just the phantom cat, he who must not be named.
The weather has been foggy, coming in on those Frost's cat feet. The phantom cat, I suppose.
Now a rant on the American health care system. I had an opportunity on short notice to receive my Covid-19 flue shot. I jumped on it and now I am half-vaccinated. All my life I have been receiving vaccinations and have always received a lollipop for my bravery under fire. This time there was no lollipop. What?? No lolly? They slapped a band-aid over The injection site. A plain old band-aid, not a Cookie Monster band-aid, not a Dora the Explorer band-aid. What is going wrong with our system?
No boat putzing photos. Mostly I do uninteresting stuff................