Yet I begin to see the an a something referred to as "She". So long have I been involved in the at hand task: Glue block here.......... Cut this piece.........epoxy coat, Epoxy coat...........Paint this. Parts, all parts, that eventually become intertwined as "She", something with a spirit of it's own. Something you pat as you step off her. I know not why we become attached to inanimate objects, but we do. Maybe because we comprehend the nothingness that is them and long for it in ourselves. Maybe we seek the simplicity of just being. The complexities that we attached to life, with their supposed hidden meanings are yet incomprehensible to us. We project this veneer of our perception on to all that we see. A boat we understand, a person, we don't, especially ourselves.
The Dog, of course is a she, because she's been a bitch to build!
With Ben gone, it's harder to start. We would force each other to go out and work. Now I have to force myself. It's tough to kick oneself in the ass. I have to develop and maintain a sense of urgency. I must work each day as if it is crucial to the completion of this boat. The summer weather looms in the near future. School is ending and I'll lose Budge, who is critical in several areas. On to the photos.