I am now making feeble attempts at making this a livable boat. There is crap stuffed everywhere. I must use it or lose it. I filled the water boxes; the starboard one promptly leaked it all out. Another something to fix. The dream is now a reality and all I see is more work. I sold the big fridge and bought a smaller one. Mostly I did little this week, as I'm in the great unwind.
Now I am confronted with the problem of "What Next?". I do not wish to write a Rub-Your-Nose-In-It blog about the joys of living a lifestyle different from yours with pictures of sunsets and dolphins (yuck). After attempting to read a few of those blogs/vlogs, I had to take stomach medication for nausea. I do not wish to write a travelogue. I do not wish to spew pop philosophy at you brought on by the insanity of inactivity. Maybe I already did that. I do not wish to write for the sake of writing. God knows I don't want to be an inspiration to others trapped by their dreams, so it must end. It's time to say "Good Bye",
Maybe, like Tinkerbell dying, if you clap your hands.................................