We stay away until the combination of guilt and fatigue propels us back, Tired of practicing the shovel arts, and with the poison ivy rash drying up, we contemplate the return to Texas. It seems like we did nothing. Nothing is what we needed to do. I hoped to come back sooner rather than later, but staying away seemed more important. Returning will be soon. Meanwhile, I'm running out of stupid things to write about. We got more wood. This week we started catching up on stuff. I pulled out a weedy patch and prepared it for grass seeding. This involved starting the tiller.
The tiller, a venerable Italian BCS with the wrap-a-rope start. Wrap a rope around the pulley 3 times, put foot on tiller, pull like your life depends on it. After 10-15 attempts of this rope-a-dope, Ben browbeat me into removing the carburetor and cleaning it out. I have never had any luck with carburetors, but my testosterone levels were challenged. I removed everything and we cleaned up all orifices and bowls and crevasses and such. I bolted it on and, waddayaknow, it worked. Ben got the patch tilled. Many years ago I named it "The Hun", as in a tiller The Hun!
I moved to hedge trimming. The trimmer leaked gasoline, necessitating a trip to the parts place and. a replacement of the fuel line grommet and fuel lines. I got the front hedges into a manageable form.
Hedge trimmer! Bushed bushes below.
We also took down a dead tree with two trunks, one leaning in the wrong direction. I dropped the first, then using a couple come-alongs and a line to the truck. We cut and pulled the second trunk until it stood upright and I could make the final cut with the chain saw. My testosterone level is soaring!
our thoughts then turned to.......................................................................log splitting.
We worked all day and will finish up tomorrow. I know that these are not pictures of boats. It is what we need to do to build a boat. It is mind flush, accomplishment in other areas, slowing down and rekindling the fire of boat building.
Ben had a nice couple come to look at his boat. We really do not want to sell it and were planning on taking it out this week. It will be one less distraction from the boat completion. We only have a couple things to do before we can return. Another crappy blog this week. Writing it only required one beer! Oh yeah, project mysterioso, I guess it will have to remain mysterious yet, as I have been occupied. It requires concentration.............got none!
The Music♪: Dave Mallett "The Garden Song"
Man is made of dreams and bones.
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June 2024
AuthorChuck! Send money! |
The Blog of the Dog.
It's important, I think...........
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