So January drags on and of course ol' (T)Rusty got cranky and ate a coolant hose. I was told that old cars are like old men: there's always something wrong with them. I am already contemplating the return to Tejas, but whither we go, weather is weather whether we like it or not and we would rather not get there and sit around.
Step one: remove battery. Drop on floor. Oh good, it didn't break.
Step two: Remove back of computer by taking out the 14 screws holding it.
Step three: Check the internet and realize that you do not have to remove the back. Screw the back back on by screwing in the 14 screws.
Step four: Remove keyboard by pushing in the tabs as shown on the internet.
Step five: Dry out the keyboard.'s sealed! Dump out moisture? Nope, didn't work. Bake it in the oven? Nope, didn't work. Phooey.........give up and order a new one for twenty bucks. Arrived today.
So there you have it another week shot. We need to stay until we are sick of staying.