We were slow getting started last week. I blame it on jet lag. After all, we drove from the eastern time zone to the central time zone over two days! That will discombobulate anyone. It didn't rain here the whole time we were gone. Everything was brown. Excited to get started, we then encountered rain and rain and rain. The weather forecast all week was "Might rain, might not. Mostly it did. It's really hard to work outside in the rain. So showing symptoms of cabin fever, we sat around. Ben has his video games, so he was happy. Time dragged. I read. We grabbed work time when we could.
Sunday I worked sanding beam trough 1's sides to glue in the side cheeks. Ben worked on the tubes that go through the deck into the dorade boxes.
We had to sand the paint off around the holes so the epoxy would stick. Then it rained and rained. We squeezed in some time here and there.
We sanded the insides of the holes, also. As I was sanding around the hole for the tube, I heard Ben in the next hull yell "God I hate this shit!". Ahh, we're back in the swing of things. The happy boat builders.
Here is ben fitting in the tubes that he prepared and painted in June. We decided to hold them in place from the top using hose clamps to prevent them from sliding through. I will hold the top and ben will fillet around the bottom from inside the cabin. Once the epoxy sets, we will remove the hose clamps and pour epoxy in from the top to cement it in place.
Ben coated the bottom plywood with epoxy in preparation of the initial gluing. Then it rained. I mostly did nothing in the beam troughs. They have to dry out for at least a day before we epoxy. Every day it rained! During a weather break we decided to troubleshoot our trailer plug on the truck. The plug bracket rusted off and we had temporarily bungeed it to the hitch. The right turn signal did not work. We attacked it with a trouble light and crawled under the truck for a good hour plus tracing the problem. We checked the internet and the repair manual. Finally, I checked the fuses. One was blown (Duh!). A quick trip to the Quickee Mart down the road and $2 produced an assortment package of fuses. Voila! (Viola???) the turn signal worked! The regular lights didn't! Back under the truck with rust flaking in our eyes again for another 45 minutes. Then Ben checked the fuse box and another fuse was blown (Double Duh!).
One of my basic tenets is "Check the dumb stuff first". We didn't. I spent twenty bucks on a new winch for the mirror dinghy.
I also zip tied the trailer plug to the hitch of the truck
And you ask "why do I continuously keep rigging Ol' (T)Rusty the truck?". The plan was to sell it in 2010, but I would be sailing in a year or so and wouldn't need the truck. So I decided to keep it for the two years it would take to build the boat...................Man plans, God laughs.
The weather has produced some beautiful views. This is not the sunset. The sun is setting behind me as I took this picture.
The landscape was brown when we came back from Ohio it only rained for a half hour the whole time we were gone. After a week of rain the flowers seize their chance and proclaimed their existence to the universe. It's all any of us wants.
The Music♪: Dave Stamey " The Border Affair"
Written a hundred years ago and still a good song.
June 2024
AuthorChuck! Send money! |
The Blog of the Dog.
It's important, I think...........
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