Maybe I should get one of those Tweet things.....a tweet'em? Naw, who would have thought that 140 characters would create a billion characters?
Oh, yeah....the boat. Budge keeps finding ways to spend my money. Windlass remote switch, standing rigging, more damn electric stuff, whooda thunk that a triangle shackle is a delta shape quick link? A rose would smell as sweet.
So the necessities are looming. I need to find a place to put this together on the decimated coast. The acquisition of the equipment to disassemble, transport and reassemble the boat looms. The completion details loom. We planted the seeds and will, hopefully, harvest the fruit of the loom(????).
Budge had to disappear for a day (family situation).
Rocky, the upholstery guy, finally showed up all apologetic and picked up the stuff. He was four days late (family situation).
Me? I press on (familiar situation).