Hey, thanks to Sergey, that purveyor of prognostication, for his input on Neil's question of when will we launch. Admittedly, he (Sergey) hedged his bet by saying we would launch before he will (but after Neil, I may add). My stock answer as to when the boat will be done was always "Two years ago last January", now amended to "Four years ago last January, dammit!" And another January looms..... Also thanks to Phil the drummer who lives downda road. He likes the music, unlike the Boater clan, who only liked one song so far. And Rune said he would keep reading this despite the insipid style and mediocre content (masochistic, I guess). And Ken, with his half vast knowledge of all things nautical, suggested a that we will have built a trimaran! The third hull would have been a phantom hull, as the result is still two hulls. Phantom of the operation, I guess! This week we worked on the boat (Duh!) Slowly but surly we progressed with the decks.
We glued in the two dorade boxes on the next section of starboard hull (yes, this is only one of them- stop being picky).
We primed the area, then Budge taped off the areas for non-skid paint (sand mixed into paint). See? See? Two dorade boxes!
And painted the gritty paint on,
And peeled the tape off. We do this stuff over and over and over................................
And painted the deck (three coats).
Even inside the dorades. Perhaps I should explain the function of dorades...............naw, you can look it up if you want, or even care.
Then we did the same to the starboard center cabin tops. Incredibly boring to read this crap!
And put on 3 coats of paint to that section.
Is the paint still wet? Ooop, yup. I know you two astute readers of this site have already noticed that we forgot the dorade box! Now we have to sand a spot, glue it on and reapply paint and grit. Our incompetence is stratospheric! Our three stooges moment of the week!Next week..................more stupidity!
And started sanding on the port hull decks (yaaaaawn). I hope we remember those dorades!
We glued on the reinforcing blocks to the aft beam. We are going to put in some holes (aftholes) to lighten it up and give it character. It will support the Sail O Mat.
Dorade box tops. Complex buggers..........
andsandand andandsandandsand and............................................................................
I cut out the two washboards whut fill in the center hatch hole. Keep your hatch hole filled!
And when you can't sand anymore.........
Pray for rain.........................................................................which it did...................................yay! You can build a boat, too- see below
The Music ♫: Allen Toussant "Yes We Can"
Gone just this week. Thanks for the music...............................
June 2024
AuthorChuck! Send money! |
The Blog of the Dog.
It's important, I think...........
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