I wish that I had more followers and thrived on the accolades of acolytes for my existence. I'll never be loved. I could never exist if I depended on others. I flat out am too weird. The music I love has always been addressed as "What's that shit?" My style, always a bit off, never quite fit. My values slightly askew, never meshed with the mainstream. Even the delusional people that build boats such as mine cannot quite mesh with what I write here, Hey, it's me! I do best and am most happiest pursuing my own heart, no matter how offbeat it seems. Help is appreciated also therapy.
I started sailing late. Liz offered to teach me a bit. I bought a tiny boat (the Mirror Dinghy). I still have it and rebuilt it here on this site. You never know to what you become attached. I sailed in it with Liz, Craig, Rusty and Ben. Rusty sank it at the dock trying to escape. Dogs! Where am I going with this chain of thought? Is it a manifesto? Is it philosophy? Is it alcohol? Dunno.......let's look at the pictures.......I understand pictures. they're pretty.