Yes, it is a literary reference (ask your wife). We drove for two days and arrived Tuesday evening. I didn't get to complete with the dinghy, so we crammed the 11" boat into the 8" pickup and piled stuff around it. It traveled nicely. Not a very neat packing job. We spent Wednesday stocking the kitchen and putting stuff away. Budgetboater liked the dinghy, though he probably would have burned it in that condition. My damn sentimental attachments...................... Ben spent Thursday cleaning. Budge decided we should have a work bench 12' X 8' so we can have a space to build the pod and motor wells. I started building. This thing's Huge! Like Mick and Judy, we could put on a show! Yes it is a movie reference (ask your movie critic). Budge scored a pop up cover for it for a great price. You'll notice that the dinghy is already on it. Ben eased into the work by working small projects, some sanding and closing the end of the beam trough of the short beam. Here is the hole............... and Ben's shirt! It being Summer and Texas, The weather is normal. The roadrunner chases the abundant, fat grasshopper around the yard. The mud dauber wasps are flying around with their dangling legs looking for places to build in every nook and cranny. A bird has a nest in the sandpaper supply. Every creature is too hot to try very hard to get out of each other's way, including us. I try to get outside early and take a break in the center of the day. and go out again around four. While working, you move slowly............ and drink a lot of water! Yes it is a temperature reference (ask your meteorologist). It has been said that she has the longest titled song in the world: "Regretting What I Said to You When You Called Me 11:00 On a Friday Morning to Tell Me that at 1:00 Friday Afternoon You’re Gonna Leave Your Office, Go Downstairs, Hail a Cab to Go Out to the Airport to Catch a Plane to Go Skiing in the Alps for Two Weeks, Not that I Wanted to Go With You, I Wasn’t Able to Leave Town, I’m Not a Very Good Skier, I Couldn’t Expect You to Pay My Way, But After Going Out With You for Three Years I DON’T Like Surprises!! Subtitled: A Musical Apology" I love this lady............
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June 2024
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The Blog of the Dog.
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